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- $9f9
- |1-How The Fuck Do You Say That?
- $9ea
- $9db
- $9cc
- A common problem with pooty users comunicating by post/email/magazines
- is that you never know how to pronouce those silly names people give to
- computer stuff. So here is my opinion/guesses how to say stuff.
- $9f9
- |1-AMIGA
- $9ea
- $9db
- $9cc
- Erm you should have picked that one up by know. It's usually said
- "A-meee-gah" "A-meee-ger" or "Ahh-meee-gah". So now you know.
- $9f9
- |1-A1200
- $9ea
- $9db
- $9cc
- Most people decided to call it the "A-twelve-hundred" when it first came
- out, mainly because "one-thousand-two-hundred" is a bit of a gob full.
- $9f9
- $9ea
- $9db
- $9cc
- I've heard clever people saying "Pee-cee-my-cah" which is probably
- right, but I just say "Picker-micker-jobby"
- $9f9
- |1-SCSI
- $9ea
- $9db
- $9cc
- Just pronounced "Scuzzy"
- $9f9
- |1-GIF
- $9ea
- $9db
- $9cc
- A lot people incorrectly pronounce this with a hard "G" as in "gift",
- but I have an ancient doc somewhere introducing the format when it first
- came out, and they make it clear it should be pronounced "jif", as in
- "New Jif with bleach", so there.
- $9f9
- $9ea
- $9db
- $9cc
- No argument here, it's simply "Jay-peg" or "Em-peg"
- $9f9
- $9ea
- $9db
- $9cc
- As in the raytracer. I'm not sure on this one. I say "Imer-gin" but its
- probably pronounced like the word for thinking stuff up "I-madge-in"
- $9f9
- |1-SCALA
- $9ea
- $9db
- $9cc
- I thought this was "Scay-la", but its actually supposed to be "Scar-la"
- $9f9
- $9ea
- $9db
- $9cc
- Mr MÜller (Prounounced as in "MÜller" Rice?) says most english speakers
- call it "Amy-net" where as germans and the like say "Ah-mee-net"
- $9f9
- |1-AGA
- $9ea
- $9db
- $9cc
- Everyone says "Ay-jee-ay". Beware of anyone who pronouces it "Ar-ga"
- because they will be trying to flog you an expensive combined
- oven/central heating unit.
- $9f9
- |1-MINER
- $9ea
- $9db
- $9cc
- As in Jay Miner, who invented the Amiga. Pronounced "My-nur" like a
- bloke who digs coal and shit.
- $9f9
- |1-MUI
- $9ea
- $9db
- $9cc
- Not to sure on this one, but I sort of murmour "myou-ee" but others
- pronounce the initials "Em-You-Eye"
- $9f9
- |1-VISTA
- $9ea
- $9db
- $9cc
- I used to say "Vee-stah" for some reason, but its meant to be "Vist-ah"
- I think.
- $9f9
- |1-TWAT
- $9ea
- $9db
- $9cc
- As in "The Word Article Tester". I'm not sure on this one, but I just
- pronounce it "Tee-Double-You-Ay-Tee" Unfortunately its a bit of a
- mouthfull. Could you not have come with a snappier title eh Freak?
- If you have any further pronunciation queries, then just send them to Dr
- Bolt!
- $9f9
- |2-END!
- $9ea
- $9db
- $9cc
- $9bd
- $9ae
- $99f
- $a9e